

A well advanced Library has been set up in the school with the books of various subjects. All students can easily avail the books for their personal reading and increase their knowledge and General Knowledge.

Books play a vital role in our life. They are the quietest friend and wisest teacher. It is the most adaptable invention for conveying knowledge and information from the older generation to the younger one.



The school's sporting activities consist of cricket, football, badminton, Chess and indoor games. Games are considered to be an integral part of the school curriculum and every oppertunity is given to the boys & girls to take an active part in games, as games develop character.

Sports and games empower students and promote higher self esteem. It also motivates students, and enables them to develop their social and physical skills. Students learn to adapt to different situations. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Rightly said so that education without activities is always incomplete. Education is the car and Sports is the key to drive on towards the success.

Computer Lab

Computer has become an integral part of our life. It now finds its use in every aspect of human existence. Soon a time will come when every man on this planet will need to be a computer savvy to be able to stay one step ahead in this competitive world. The above requirement can be fulfilled at a place known as computer lab. Where we can do handon practical to learn and understand the concepts and logics of various software's in efficient manner. Without a lab, a person will only have theoretical knowledge not practical and in todays world practicals are more important than theory. So it is well said that the lab is a workshop to develop our brains.
